Meciul Steinmetz-Soros

Roșia-Montana, cafteala dintre Steinmetz și Soros, având ca teatru de lupte România!

Nici dracu' nu vrea să muncească de fapt, ăștia sunt numai speculanți pe bursă, vin, mituiesc politicieni, după ce câștigă drepturile le vând altora! Vezi articolul!

"Beny Steinmetz, one of the world's wealthiest men, acquired the rights to extract half the ore at Simandou by pledging to invest just $165m to develop a mine at the mountain. Shortly afterwards, he sold half of his stake for £2.5bn. It was hailed as the most stunning private mining deal for decades: the world's finest untapped iron ore deposit, one worth billions of dollars, had been snapped up for a song."


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